Our Zip Code API service is free up to 10 requests per hour with a 2 week trial period of 50 requests per hour.  After reaching your limit within an hour period, we will cut off requests from your IP address by returning a 429 HTTP status code.  We reset the counter each hour and you will be able to process more requests after that (again up to your limit).

If your needs are above that, the pricing is based on the Per Hour limit.  We have provided the other request rates as a courtesy in your calculations.

Requests Per Second Requests Per Minute Requests Per Hour Requests Per Day Cost per Year
0.00 0 10 240 Free!
0.07 3 200 4,800 $99
0.69 42 2,500 60,000 $299
3.47 208 12,500 300,000 $1,000
13.89 833 50,000 1,200,000 $2,000
277.78 16,667 1,000,000 24,000,000 $5,000

Please send us an email if your needs are above this level.

Or, if you need lower, or pay as you go pricing, please user the endpoint at RapidAPI/Mashape – https://rapidapi.com/redline/api/RedLine%20Zipcode