JMeter Dashboard Report Total Row

The JMeter Dashboard Report can be displayed from any RedLine13 test which has output files enabled.  One question we frequently get from customers using JMeter is how the JMeter Dashboard Report Total row is calculated. Found within the Summary table for this report, the Total row is displayed in a non-intuitive way. Without knowledge of what this line represents, the design of the report with regard to the Total row can be confusing. Depending on what informationRead More →

You can view our complete listing of videos featuring JMeter concepts videos on our YouTube Channel. We have a playlist which includes our most recently released videos, as well as videos from our industry partners. You can find these videos for the most generally applicable concepts listed here to the left, with some additional videos available covering other niche concepts as well. If you are interested in even more videos covering additional JMeter concepts, our partner NaveenKumar at QAInsights has created a “LearnRead More →

When creating your JMeter test plan, inevitably you will need to confirm that it works as intended before running it against your target test application. In essence, you will need to test your test to confirm that the results it generates are reliable. In this brief video, we will walk you through the basics of debugging common problems in your JMeter load tests. You can also read more about debugging JMeter tests on our blog: HowRead More →

Performance testing is a type of non-functional testing intended to determine the responsiveness, throughput, reliability, and/or scalability of a system under a given workload. Throughput can be defined as the number of units of work that can be handled per unit of time. Some examples include the number of requests per second (RPS), calls per day, hits per second, reports per year, etc. In this video methods for controlling throughput are demonstrated.Read More →