Out of the box support

We include JMeter Plugins in our agent distribution

  • JMeter 2.13
    • Standard 1.3.o
    • Extras 1.3.0
    • ExtrasLibs 1.3.0
  • JMeter 2.12 and JMeter 2.11
    • ExtrasLibs 1.2.0

Custom Plugin Support

You can also include any plugin and attach it to the test plan.

Here is a rabbitMQ test using JMeter RabbitMQ Plugin

  1. Build your test plan via JMeter
  2. Upload your test plan
  3. Upload your Plugin and needed libraries
  4. Scale up your load test

Screen Shot 2015-09-25 at 1.06.17 AM

Here is the result of running a 4 server load test pushing messages through rabbitMQ server


While you can see the spike in RabbitMQ messages pushed into the server.

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