RedLine13 created LoadTestWorld as a resource for the entire load testing community, not just for RedLine13 users. We are happy to host the second LoadTestWorld.

The first LoadTestWorld in October 2021 had great speakers and Q&A with real interesting exchange between the attendees and the speakers. Read about the first LoadTestWorld here. So we decided to do it again. This one is also free and virtual.
LoadTestWorld 2022 February is the second LoadTestWorld and will be February 2, which means it will be 2/2/22! Pretty cool.
We are holding each LoadTestWorld at different times so that different regions of the load testing community have some LoadTestWorlds at convenient times for them. This one is at a time that should be especially good for Europe, Middle East and India and to a lesser extent for some of the US and other regions. But everyone can watch the recordings on the LoadTestWorld YouTube channel.
Speakers include RedLine13 co-founder Rich Friedman, Lee Fox of AWS, NaveenKumar Namachivayam of QAInsights, Ram Lakshmanan of yCrash, and Eldad Uzman of Merck.
Registration is open here.