Is our math right?
365 Days * 24 hours = 8760 * 10 years = 87,760 hours.
Ten Years of Load Testing
Here are 10 years of load testing served on RedLine13.

#1 – Economic Satisfaction
10 years of load testing, for a total cost – less than an annual subscription to any large enterprise plan in the market?
Can you say we are changing the economics of how this all works?
We are just getting started.
#2 – SPOT on!
You must consider the advantage of using Spot instances in load testing. If your load test is 1-2 hours, perhaps even up to 6 hours – use SPOT. The price difference is phenomenal.
#3 – But I need big tools
Enterprise tools make your life easier, and there is value, read A Jmeter Rant From A Self-Professed Performance Engineer Snob and you can see the frustration living in Open Source. For RedLine13, this is an opportunity.
– We are a perfect tool to complement the enterprise tools. Our price points are less than the tax you will pay for an enterprise software license.
– We will keep pushing on that gap, we will make it open, we will work towards the goal of Simple and (Almost) free load testing.
#4 – Running the ‘Load’ is not the outcome you seek
As we mentioned in a blog post Build, Run, Analyze, Fix and in the PerfBytes 2015 Year In Review – Analysis is the hard work.
Deep correlation, Debugging, Analysis, Rinse, Repeat, Test Again and Again.
Your cost will always be human analytics.
#5 – The Analysis tools you look for, talk to your Operations Team.
Have you analyzed a performance issue at scale? What tools do you use?
In scaling to over 1M users and finding bottlenecks, these are my tools of choice
– System Metrics: Graphite, Grafana
– Application Tracing: NewRelic
– Application and System Logs: Splunk
– System Specific tools for Database analysis.
Operations teams already have the tools to do the analysis. They live this in production every day.